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July 23, 2014
Obama: Now I'm Not Bothering to Watch the News, Either
The guy who only learns about major stories from the news is now not bothering to watch the news?
Because he already knows it all?
All right sir.
Whatever you say, this week.
Mr. Obama told supporters [at a Democratic fundraiser] that he doesn’t watch the news because, “Whatever they’re reporting about, usually I know.”
That contrasts with the explanations that the president and his aides have given from scandals in the past few years ranging from long wait times and deaths at the VA, to the IRS targeting tea party groups, to the Fast and Furious gun-running operation, and the Department of Justice spying on news reporters.
At Hot Air (the first link), some video memories of All The Times Obama has claimed to have only learned of some major scandal he did from the news reports, just like you all.
President Barack "Smooth Chill" Obama
Huh? Like whatever, man.