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July 14, 2014
#BringBackOurArmy: Boko Haram Mocks #HashtagDiplomacy
This hashtag "diplomacy" is a tool of the weak for getting visibility for an issue. And there's nothing wrong with the weak so using it.
The problem comes when officials in the Obama Administration (including the First Lady, who does in fact have a White House staff) begin using tools of the weak, which only confirms in the eyes of all the world's evil men that they are in fact weak.
By "bring back our army," he means "release all the captured Boko Haram fighters you're holding."
"Hashtag diplomacy" provides the illusion of action and caring, for people who are more interested in their own image as noble and concerned human-rights crusaders than actually doing something that would help the victims. It's moralistic posturing and fashionable activism made even easier by the Internet. You don't even have to show up at a protest march any more. At least actual live demonstrations show some degree of effort. However savage they might be in other respects, give the Boko Haram crew credit for understanding just how unserious this #BringBackOurGirls stuff really was.
Savages like these might not be educated (education is sin, remember), but they are very capable of scenting weakness and seeing through pretense.
Better at it than we civilized men have allowed ourselves to become, actually.