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July 01, 2014
Montana Newspaper The Billings Gazette Apologizes to Readers for Endorsing Obama in 2008
Via Hot Air, some scales are beginning to fall from some eyes.
In 2012, a bunch of newspapers which had endorsed Obama in 2008 instead chose to endorse Romney in the past election. This is just a continuation of that trend, as millions of progressives wake up to the fact that whatever the merits of the Progressive Religion, Obama is a corrupt and lazy incompetent.
Gazette opinion: Obama earned the low [poll] ratings
Sometimes, you have to admit you're wrong.
And, we were wrong.
We said that things couldn't get much worse after the sub par presidency of George W. Bush.
But, President Barack Obama's administration has us yearning for the good ol' days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.
[T]he number of bungled or blown policies in the Obama administration which lead us to believe Obama has earned every bit of an abysmal approval rating.
They run down a litany of Obama's scandals, snafus, and failures, including noting that Obama has completely broken his promise to run a transparent administration, comparing him to Nixon.
Then they add it all up:
These are all signs -- none of them definitive on their own, necessarily. However, when taken in completely, these demonstrate a disturbing trend of incompetence and failure.
Meanwhile, the woman behind the failure, Valerie Jarret, continues to seem very pleased with herself.