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May 24, 2014
Saturday Gardening Thread: Despicable Me Edition [Y-not and WeirdDave]
Today's gardening thread brought to you by the Garden Minion:
Rare photograph of your hostess.
Take it away, WeirdDave:
Y-not and I shared a mutual shrug VIA email this week when discussing the content of the garden thread, so I've been pondering: What is it that gardening morons can't get enough of? What topic burns through their dreams in the dead of night and haunts their subconscious during the day? The answer is me of course!
Editorial note from Y-not: The real answer is, of course, pictures of his hawt wife, Gingy. Silly man!
...and my garden! So how is it doing?
To the left you can see that the climbing plants, cukes, green beans and peas, are about ready to be trained up the trellises. To the right, onions are going great guns. In the back I have several varieties of lettuce that I'm going to start picking leaves from this week.
These are the store bought tomatoes. Sweet Million, Beefsteak, Roma and Better Boy. The Sweet Millions already have blossoms!

Those are peppers in the front, and corn behind them. The corn plants are established, hopefully this will be the year I get some sweet, sweet ears of corn by the end of summer.
This is the bed I call “Dave's folly”. 32 Campari type plants, seeded in February. If these all grow and bear like I hope, in August I'll undoubtedly look like Violet Beauregarde, but round and red like a tomato. All of this is growing under the watchful plastic eyes of....
The Owl from Hell! He can see into your soul, you know.
And now from your co-hostess, Y-not:
Garden report from Casa Y-not
Mystery critter returned and dug up the other row of baby spinach plants. Awesome.
Harvested a few radishes. Tasty.
Clematis and herbs are going great guns. Yay!
And now on to your content...
What can I say? I punted.
I could give you all sorts of excuses about why I didn't assemble a coherent set of gardening materials this week.
I thought about telling you that I had been attacked by swarms of lake flies...
...but I'm in Utah, not Wisconsin.
I thought about blaming it on the terrible sinus headache I had most of this week, caused in large part by the huge clouds of pine pollen our Austrian pines are giving off...
...but the reality is that running the air conditioner non-stop (and changing the filters) has helped those symptoms subside.
Would you believe I was attacked by a horde of spiders?
Nah, probably not.
How about if I told you I injured myself after doing battle with some particularly tough weeds?
Yeah, those are Canadian weeds. You probably won't buy it.
Here's another, even worse Canadian pest.
This man -- and all like him -- must be stopped.
All I can do is beg your forgiveness and thank my lucky stars that WeirdDave had lots of content this week!
What's up in your garden?

posted by Open Blogger at
06:53 PM
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