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April 02, 2014
Democratic Shell Corporation CNN Continues Embargoing the Leland Yee Story, But Actual News Organizations Are On It
Bryan Preston notes that CNN has the same attitude towards this story as the unabashed, openly partisan Democratic cheerleaders at MSNBC, and that should bother them.
But it doesn't. So much for CNN's pretense of being about news, rather than partisanship.
At Forbes, a contributor writes of the perils of absolute power -- which Democrats possess
in California.
Democrat leaders in California today are so well ensconced in power, so very insulated from scrutiny or criticism, that not only is there corruption in their ranks they are hardly moved by that corruption.
Indeed, for months California Democrats have had to deal with the fraud conviction of State Senator Roderick Wright. He was caught lying about his address so he could get elected in a certain district. He could face 8 years in prison. A month later, another Democrat Senator, Ronald Calderon, was indicted on serious public corruption charges.
You would think a responsible party would do all they could to distance themselves from such corrupt politicians. Despite Republican attempts to expel them from the Senate, however, on a party line vote Democrats blocked that effort.
Of course, the reason the Democrats did that was to protect their super-majority in the Senate, which allows them to pass tax legislation without a single Republican vote. In other words, having absolute power is more important to them than any semblance of integrity.
Then came along Democrat Senator Leland Yee from San Francisco. He has been indicted on charges that are almost too wild to fathom including attempting to facilitate arms sales to a terrorist group. The allegations read like a bad movie and perhaps some day there will be a movie. In the face of that horrific and impossible to ignore publicity, the Democrats finally took some action.
CNN claims (in essence) this is a "local crime story," but conveniently ignores the elephant in the room -- a longstanding Democratic habit of overlooking gross breaches of ethics in order to cling to political power.
CNN apparently thinks that's not a political story, either.
Yee's old press releases on the horrors of Videogame Violence and corruption and guns sure read a little bit different now, don't they?
Remember when David Gregory broke the gun laws of DC because he so wanted to have a grabby, dramatic visual of confronting a gun-rights proponent with an extended magazine (you know, the part of the gun that goes down)?
Well, if David Gregory wants some grabby visuals, he could confront California Democrats with selected weapons from the Yee case. Popular Mechanics has identified some of the guns playing a role in the matter.
Think of all the Buzzfeed listicles Gregory could inspire if he paraded around ugly guns like this:

The Tavor assault rifle is an actual assault rifle,
and not a fakey-fake "assault weapon" implied to be an assault rifle.
It looks scary because it actually is scary.
Lee proposed stealing these rifles from the Philippines,
shipping them to Newark, and then selling them in Africa.
But I doubt David Gregory wants to make for exciting, watercooler-conversation tv on this matter.
Indeed, he doesn't want to cover it all. Like all the other fiercely freeminded mavericks in the Great Grazing Herd of Independent Minds, he's decided this is a local crime story, too.
Heroically protecting its progressive viewers from dangerous levels of potential cognitive dissonance.