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March 31, 2014
ABCNews Poll: Suddenly, Near-Majority of Respondents... Supports Obamacare?
ABCNews is determined to not ask about "Obamacare" -- I guess because people say they don't support the law when you call it "Obamacare" -- and so asks the question this way...
"Overall, do you support or oppose the federal law making changes to the health care system?"
What federal law making changes to the health care system? The various House efforts to repeal it, or end the individual mandate, or codify the "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" promise into law, or Obama's various extraconstitutional delays of mandates and enforcement efforts to ameliorate the pain, or...?
I'm not sure what people are thinking of when they're asked about "changes to the health care system." There's a new "change to the health care system" every week.
AllahPundit notes that ABCNews has asked the question this way before, and has found, previously, that people oppose Obamacare even when the question is worded so vaguely. So there is some movement in this poll, despite the shaky question.
But I don't know. Given all the "changes to the health care system" going on every week, I don't know if this question means what it previously might have been taken to mean.