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October 29, 2013
Change of Pace: Left Confesses Its Psychological Problem
Leftism is not a politics; it is a psychology. A psychology of resentment, which is then transitioned (like your insurance plan) into a vague politics of opposition against society, which, being sufficiently large, powerful, and vague, can stand in for one's personal anger against God.
So here they're pretty much admitting that they are driven by feelings of inadequacy and anger about their inadequacies.
Yes, Success is the Evil that must be be overcome, for the Success of one man makes another man feel poorer about himself.
It seems like whenever a minority identifying individual “succeeds”, he or she is identified as a “success story.” We will be featuring successful members of different minorities speaking of their own story and success, with a focus on how this idea of “success story” shouldn’t exist. The idea that minority success is “outstanding” means it’s not the norm–we don’t want “success stories.” We just want stories.
Now that we're talking about what the problem really is and always has been, now maybe we can actually discuss it fruitfully.
Thanks to @benk84.