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Overnight Open Thread (10-29-2013) - Emergency Backup Edition »
October 29, 2013
Games Incompetent People Play Open Thread
Sebelius telegraphed her plan to blame the private contractors for her and her boss' SCOAMF website.
And then comes a memo, likely leaked by CGI, noting that they warned Sebelius that the site wasn't ready but she proceeded to launch anyway, apparently thinking Coding Elves would come in overnight and fix it.
Tomorrow should be fun then.
Niedermeyer's Dead Horse tried to sign up for Obamacare -- and ran into a bureaucratic nightmare. Her tweets on her experience were Storified (put into readable order) by @tsrblke.
Worth reading.
It's very short. Click on it, you gooniebirds. I can't excerpt something so brief and to the point.
Also reporting an Obamacare nightmare... David Frum?!?!
And also David Fredoso, who shares his own experiences with the system. His choices: He can either get the same plan he had but pay 3.5 times as much for it, or pay a mere 2.5 times as much for a plan with a deductible twice as high.
Thirteen Democrats who echoed Obama's Big Lie.
Finally, some people who aren't incompetent, for a change. A guy and gal dress up in the best Halloween costumes ever-- as Plastic Army Men.
And man, are they realistic.