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September 24, 2013
Top Headline Comments 9-24-13
Happy Tuesday.
The EPA's new coal-fired power plant regulation contains this curious claim: "The EPA anticipates that the proposed EGU New Source GHG Standards will result in negligible CO2 emission changes, energy impacts, quantified benefits, costs, and economic impacts by 2022."
Here's what happens in the Senate between now and a shutdown. Under Senate rules, the earliest that the House could get a CR back from the Senate is Sunday -- assuming Sens. Cruz and Lee don't stop up the process. That would give the House exactly one day to act before a shutdown occurs.
Vandals torched a statue of President Reagan in a Southern California park.
NYTimes Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak has an interesting piece on web links in Supreme Court decisions. It turns out almost half of the links Justices put in their opinions don't lead anywhere anymore or lead to, ahem, a bit of amusement.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:49 AM
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