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September 18, 2013
Ezra Klein, NYT Reporter Wife Double-Team Larry Summers
Yeah, you live that image.
You have all displeased me in one way or another and now this is what you get.
But give it a read. Johnathan V. Last calls it "Juicebox Kremlinology." It's a little peek into how the New Class operates.
I know my blogging sucks this week but I am seriously run-down and getting sick from it. Not super-sick, just that sort of sick you start getting when your sleep is bad. Like where your body and metabolism just start mounting slow-down protests and start engaging in petty sabotages.
Oh by the way I thought yesterday was Wednesday all day and I kept thinking "Hump day! Two more days! Whoo-hoo!" and then I checked the calendar and got a big fat slap in the face from Tuesday.
So yeah my brain isn't really working.