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September 15, 2013
Gun Thread (9-15-2013)
Well Done, Colorado
Here's Charles C. W. Cooke's rundown of the Colorado recall elections. It's a must-read.
Guns are a notoriously touchy subject in America — a supercharged third rail, if you will. But so too is the notion of accountability. The country was founded, after all, by men with guns grumbling about the nature of their political representation. It was in this proud tradition that the disgruntled banded together in Colorado to try to recall two sitting state senators who had not just voted to pass new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, but had steadfastly refused to listen to the opposition. The new gun laws, locals in both Colorado Springs and Pueblo told me repeatedly, were “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” Their more fundamental message: “Listen to me, goddamnit!”
Still not listening: Angela Giron
Meanwhile, In New York City ...
... where it's difficult for anyone but law enforcement to get a gun permit and civil rights have been wantonly violated under "stop & frisk", the NYPD continues to blaze away at unarmed suspects but only manages to hit innocent bystanders. There's a pattern here.
Perhaps Ray Kelly and Mike Bloomberg could focus less on taking my guns from me and more on teaching their employees what to do with their own.
Gun Of The Week

(answer below)
Marksmanship Award
From the NRA's Armed Citizen page this week:
Pharmacist protects himself and employee from machete-wielding robber, KATV, Little Rock, Ark. 09/05/13
Owner Andy Blansett and employee Melanie Miller were working at the Medicine Shoppe pharmacy in North Little Rock, Ark. when a man came in and demanded painkillers. The man then drew a machete, intimidated Miller and attempted to climb over the pharmacy’s counter. In response, Blansett retrieved a .45-caliber pistol and pointed it at the thief, causing him to flee. Drug thieves beware, in an interview with a local media outlet Blansett noted, “All of the independently owned pharmacists I know carry a concealed [weapon] on them or have one in the store.”
Gun Of The Week - Answer
That's a pair of Holland & Holland doubles. Here's a segment from How It's Made showing one of these beauties being built.
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
The owner's manual for your concealed carry permit: The Law of Self Defense
Defend the Second Amendment. Join: The National Rifle Association * Gun Owners of America * The National Shooting Sports Foundation * Your state's second amendment org.
Celebrate America's firearms heritage: participate in Project Appleseed.
Note: The first 26 comments are carried over from the double-posted morning thread.
CBS practices rare (relatively) unbiased journalism in a (largely) straight reporting piece on the Glock, its history, and how it became "America's gun". There's a couple of gratuitous swipes, but there's also a very unexpected defense related to the Glock's NOT being at the top of gun crime lists. All in all, a fairly balanced piece. Worth a read.