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September 09, 2013
Top Headline Comments 9-9-13
Happy Monday.
Recap the birth of a hashtag, #NoBloodForO, which is much cleverer than the signs those folks were carrying at yesterday's antiwar protest in Hollywood.
Clinton will make her first public remarks on Syria today from the White House. Boy, isn't that a gift (and I wonder what VP Biden thinks about it). Do you think Dems reluctant to line up behind lame-duck Obama for another war will be more willing to do so behind the presumptive 2016 nominee?
In case you missed it over the weekend, Obama's ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power (yes, that Samantha Power) announced late last week that she thought a UN report would cause Russia and Iran to abandon their support for Assad. Smart Power.
The fifth IPCC global warming report is being delayed because governments are complaining that it fails to address the recent decade-long "pause" in global warming.
In 2016 news, braying jackass Rep. Pete King says that he is indeed running for President, so you can kiss your dream of a clown-free GOP primary goodbye.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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