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Overnight Open Thread (6 Aug 2013) »
September 06, 2013
I Wasn't Even Supposed to Be Here Open Thread
The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" examined Obama's egregious claim that he had not drawn a "red line," other people did, and this was so false that he refused to say so, because the Post's "Fact Checker" twists Republican truths into lies and also twists Obama lies into truths.
Jonah Goldberg is amused that apparently everyone in the world drew that red line, except Obama.
He reminds me of someone.
The fate of the Syria Air-Snub may rely on the intelligence of one woman: Nancy Pelosi.
But she must know better than war planners at the Pentagon, who don't want this Air Snub.
At Instapundit, an interesting argument from W.R. Mead about the Obama Smart Power Vacuum.
Convicted bomber and perjurer Brett Kimberlin is suing bloggers yet again. And he will keep on suing, forever, so do hit these guy's tip jars!
Somehow I missed this until it was all over -- MSU guest professor harangued Republican students as being among those "raping" the country, and was then relieved of some duties.
It was probably on the blog, so that's why I missed it.
A couple, both born in 1986, is trying to raise their kids in a 1986 Environment, and are reverting to ca. 1986 technology -- no cellphones or computers. I bet they have a high-def tv though, huh?
Yeah this is cute and interesting and will last like #twoweeks.
John Ekdahl went behind enemy lines to post on Buzzfeed: Top 14 Super-Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Haven't Heard From since 2009.
I did some funny things this week. Three of them came on Saturday, when I wasn't even Supposed to Be Here, so in case you missed them:
Molly Karasik, Former Lawyer and Current Artiste, Argues That Maybe Teachers Should Have Sex with Underage Students;
An exploration of the artistic art of Artiste Molly Karasik;
You're not going to believe it but some twentysomething feminist artiste conned someone into giving her money to fund yet another Giant Vagina Puppet art installation;
Robin Thicke and his very popular Rape Anthem;
and The Sorrow and the Pity, Kaboom Cereal Edition.
Plus, the Podcast.
Two fun things in videos below.
Fun Weekend Song:
And, if you're looking to watch something this weekend, this documentary, called "The Awesome Pawsome," is about tiger cubs being born and raised on Tiger Island in Australia, which is a combination safari/zoo and amusement park.
It's pretty adorable, and it's Not Even Gay, because these are Tigers for crying out loud, not cats.
Part 1 below.
This post brought to you by a disturbed megalomaniac drunk with power.
Awesome Update: Apparently Someone's trying to tell us He could do without all the twerking.
Is this fake? I don't even know if I can believe in suspiciously well-timed viral videos any longer.
People Really Enjoy Lying Update:
Yeah that's what I thought.