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September 04, 2013
Kerry's At House Foreign Affairs Committee
Live now on CSPAN (live stream here).
Should be fun to watch him explain how it's their fault Obama is in this mess and how it's their credibility on the line.
Yes Mr. President, I'll let them know how disappointed in them you are
Thanks to John E. for the photo.
Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is supposed to be marking up the resolution. It doesn't seem like it's going well. John "Jack High" McCain wants it to be tougher.
One other note...heck of a job by Boehner and Cantor yesterday. Instead of waiting for Obama to make his case they came right out and supported him. In thanks, Obama blamed Congress for putting the country in this position. They are so afraid of being called bad names they simply cave for no reason and get smacked around anyway for their efforts

posted by DrewM. at
12:29 PM
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