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Overnight Open Thread (9-2-2013) »
September 02, 2013
Samsung to Unveil Dick Tracy-Style Phone-Watch, Before Checking If Anyone Was Still Like Super-Psyched To Be Dick Tracy
Wearable tech.
Pro: It's just like a phone you can wear on your wrist
Con: On the other hand it's just a phone on your wrist
Pro: It's slightly smaller and more useless than a phone but they glued a wristband to it
Con: People will despise you and spit into your face as you try to use it
This is supposedly a leaked picture of the thing but I doubt it. No one's going to buy this.
I think Apple has to do the heavy lifting on this. Apple has a bunch of.... let's call them fans, who think that whatever Apple says is cool really actually is cool.
I don't think that Samsung has the power to deceive so many people. It has to be Apple conning people into wearing a phone on their wrist.
Coming soon: The Computer Hat