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Harry Reid: Republicans Only Oppose ObamaCare Because Obama Is Black »
August 09, 2013
Obama: I Didn't Just Suspend the Law of the United States on My Own Authority; I Suspended the Law in Consultation With "Businesses" (aka "My Donors")
So, if I understand this right, so long as any future president has the support of "businesses" and donors for suspending parts of ObamaCare, he has the constitutional power to do so.
I'll take that precedent. Makes things easier than I thought they would be, actually.
I think if a Republican is elected in 2016, he just might have support in the business and corporate community for suspending all elements of ObamaCare.
There was one question on this, from Ed Henry, and no follow-ups from anyone else.
The media, the alleged "Watchdogs of Democracy," apparently believes it is a fairly unobjectionable statement that the president may suspend the law on his own authority as he may see politically fit, so long as he has the blessing of what I'm going to call The Corporate Congress.