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August 05, 2013
Top Headline Comments 8-5-13
Happy Monday. Today is National Underwear Day, so wear some.
ISYN, obnoxious congressional troll Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is exploring a presidential bid. In January, he threatened to quit the GOP if his fellow congressmen held up Sandy relief for the purpose of excising the portions sending money to things like, say, fisheries in Alaska instead of areas actually hurt by Sandy. He was also one of the few GOP congressmen to join the President's push for gun control.
In related news, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump are heading to Iowa this weekend. So is Claire McCaskill.
I'm not sure that we covered last week's Guardian scoop on NSA's XKeyscore capabilities here at the HQ. We might have, but I don't recall and after the Guardian's asspull on PRISM I think we're all learning to take its "scoops" with a large grain of salt. The XKeyscore claims are now falling apart, just like the PRISM ones did. There's more at Volokh Conspiracy.
GOP governors are not enthusiastic about a government shutdown. The shutdown threat, btw, as well as more general discussion about Obamacare defunding, was a big part of our most recent podcast (iTunes or MP3 link).
In celebration of the selection of the 12th Doctor, Jon Gabriel found some pretty amazing Doctor Who trivia.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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