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June 20, 2013
Political Red Lines
There’s a lot of anger in the conservative base about the amnesty sellout that’s underway and disappointment in one time favorites like Marco Rubio but what will it translate to in 2014/2016.
The cry will always be…”But the Democrat is worse!”. This is usually sort of true but so what? The only way to reform the GOP is to stop rewarding it for selling out on basic principles. Even if you support amnesty (and there are conservatives who do), I would think that expanding the disaster that is ObamaCare is a red line we should all agree not to cross. And yet….
You can’t call me a RINO because I’m not a Republican. I had to reregister to vote before the election last year and went “independent”. Now clearly it’s nearly impossible for me to conceive of voting for a Democrat so I’m not an “independent” in the traditional “swing voter” sense. I am however a “swing voter” now in that I will either not vote for a Republican or will vote Libertarian or another 3rd party.
Not everything can be a “Go to ELEVENTY!1!11!!1! issue” but there has to be two or three key issue a candidate or a party simply can’t violate and still lay a claim to your support. Right now for me, I will not vote or support in any way a Republican who votes for an amnesty first plan or anything that expands or “fixes” ObamaCare in anyway. Those are my two red lines.
I sucked it up in the past and voted for McCain and then Romney. No more.
The GOP will continue to lie to us and count on our support because we always come back. Why would they change when there’s never a price to pay? Even when we rally together to change the party and elect a guy like Marco Rubio….nothing changes.
It’s time to stop buying into the scare tactics of…”The Democrats are worse”. It might be true but that doesn’t mean that the Republicans are the answer. Yes, it’s hard to kill a political party and build a new one but it’s happened before. That it’s so hard to do is an indication of how important it is that it be done.
It’s time to hold individual members responsible if they support garbage like this, either for reelection or if they attempt to run for higher office. If Amnesty should somehow get by the House, then it’s time to hold the whole damn party accountable.
So, what are your red lines? Really think about what line can’t be crossed and then hold Republicans to them not just in their words but their deeds.
Adedd: One thing I should have noted...amnesty isn't a case of the GOP being on the wrong side of the public and simply unable to stem the tide. This is an issue where Republicans have strong public support and the party in government is simply caving in despite the express wishes of its voters (in 2007, 2008 and 2012). This is basically mutiny by the political class. It must be punished.
posted by DrewM. at
11:09 AM
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