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June 20, 2013
Senate About To Kill Cornyn Border Security Amendment
Rubio Only Gang Of 8 Member To Vote Against Killing Cornyn Amendment UPDATE: Dead
Sorry for all the amnesty posts but today is the start of the end game on amnesty.
Reid brought up the Cornyn Amendment which was a scam to begin with but it was the strongest chance to stop citizenship. Now the Senate is voting to table, aka kill, the amendment.
The thing the Democrats don't like is it would have allowed immediate legalization but would have required actual border security benchmarks before moving onto green cards and citizenship.
That's a bridge too far for Democrats.
Once upon a time, Marco Rubio praised the amendment as improving the bil. But being a liar, he...lied. Now the key is the pretend Corker-Hoeven amendment that doesn't require actual border security but only border security "goals".
Marco Rubio is in favor of border security all right. As long as Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and Dick Durban let him.
Update: It's going to be tabled and along with it any chance of enforceable triggers. Flake and McCain have already voted with Dems to kill it. Marco is...hiding.
Rubio votes no on tabling the Cornyn amendment. Will he vote no on the whole package or will the faux Corker-Hoeven bill be enough cover for him?
Lindsey Graham voted to kill it, so Rubio was only Republican Gang of 8 member to support Cornyn.
Cornyn's hard trigger amendment tabled. It need 60 votes to survive, but only got 54.

posted by DrewM. at
12:12 PM
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