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June 20, 2013
Here We Go: Senators Close To Reaching A Bi-Partisan Border Security Charade Deal That Will Let The Squishes Vote Yes
UPDATE: No Triggers, Just A Plan AKA: Total Submission To Democrats And Team Amnesty
This was choreographed from the start. Plenty of squishes wanted to be seen as voting for tougher border security so Harry Reid let them bring up amendments like Chuck Grassley's John Thune's and Rand Paul's (all of which Marco "I LOVE Border Security" Rubio voted against). Reid killed them all and now he's giving them the Chuck Shumer approved cover amendment that will mean nothing.
Here's the outline of the supposed deal.
The agreement includes a "surge" in the number of border patrol agents, doubling the current presence from 20,000 to 40,000, as well as construction of 700 miles of new border fencing, NBC News reported.
The legislation would also include funding for other border security technologies, including infrared sensors, drones, and other high-tech devices, according to the Washington Examiner.
The plan does not include the biometric entry-exit system at border crossings and airports that Republicans had hoped for, and responsibility for designing a border security plan remains with the Department of Homeland Security, not Congress — although the department will be required to submit their finalized plan for approval.
Mark Kirk, who unlike Rubio, has been voting for tougher security measures, says if this passes, he's a yes.
So, no entry/exit system (which has been mandated since 1996 and the 9/11 Commission said we needed) and it'll be up to Obama's DHS to say everything is good to go. We'l I'm sure they'll be honest about that. And given that 40% of illegal aliens come here legally but overstay their visas, I'm sure we're not setting up Amnesty III in 20 or so years.
Watch for the talk about "triggers" because language is important. If they say no "pathway to citizenship unless the triggers are met", that means that legalization still will happen first and that means amnesty before security.
Update: Via @allahpundit, total capitulation.
But — and this is big – the provision sought by conservatives such as John Cornyn, that 90 percent apprehension be achieved as a “hard trigger,” is no longer in the deal as a precondition for citizenship. As the Times puts it: “Republicans agreed to make the 90 percent figure a goal rather than a requirement.” The key is that additional Republicans beyond the gang of eight — such as Bob Corker and John Hoeven — appear prepared to accept this.
Of course, we all know that's the been the deal all along.

I like the old Marco Rubio better.

posted by DrewM. at
10:15 AM
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