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June 19, 2013
Rand Paul Walking Away from Gang of 8 Deal? Says Legalization Before Securitization is "Fatal Flaw" of Bill
Important vote. It had been thought his libertarian agenda would push him towards supporting the bill.
SARA EISEN: As this debate heats up among your colleagues on the floor of the Senate, what has been the reception to some of your proposed amendments?
SEN. RAND PAUL: Well, you know, we haven't had a full airing or discussion yet, but I'm one of the Republicans who favors immigration reform, but I think that any legalization of those who are here illegally should be dependent upon border security, and unfortunately we're hearing from the Gang of Eight they want the opposite. They want legalization not dependent on border security, but I think most conservatives in the country want to see the border secured, and then they're willing to go ahead and give documentation to workers that are here illegally. But we can't do it if we're not going to secure the border first.
EISEN: So if you do not get that dependent, that factor, that amnesty is tied to border security, will you then not vote for the bill?
PAUL: Really, I think it's a fatal flaw of the bill. If the bill does not allow for Congress to vote on whether or not the border's secure, and if the documentation process is not dependent on the borders being secure, I think the whole concept is fatally flawed.
But he's not necessarily against some kind of amnesty. He proposes a form of incrementalism, which he calls Trust But Verify, which would require Congress to vote each year to confirm that the required securitization metrics are being reached.
Honestly I expect something like this to be the final deal. Something like a limited amnesty for, say, those 18 and and younger after Year 1, but only after Year 1 targets are met, then for those 18-25 after Year 2, but only after Year 2 targets are met, and so forth, up to, say, a Year 5, which would be general amnesty but only after the Year 5 metrics (as Paul Ryan calls them) are satisfied.
Video at the link. Via @allahpundit