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June 19, 2013
Who Knew? Turns Out Democrats Are Reduced to Stammering Incoherence When They're Asked About the Most Difficult, Wing-Demanded Parts of Their Agenda, Too
Fortunately for them, the media never asks Democrats wedge-issue, Hardest-Case, Sharpest-Edge questions.
Unless it's to ask them how they feel Republicans are extreme on the wedge-issue, Hardest-Case, Sharpest-Edge parts of their agenda.
Incidentally, I saw it claimed on Twitter that Andrea Mitchell had something like, "Trent Franks offered one of those patented rape answers."
You'll see no such snark about Democratic abortion-warriors stumbling over syntax and logic to explain why Feminism requires the right to abort a child up to the moment of childbirth, and maybe a few minutes later, too, so long as no one's looking and no one asks too many questions.