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Wednesday Morning News Dump »
May 15, 2013
Top Headline Comments 5-15-13
Happy Wednesday.
We're starting to see some polling for 2016. Marquette Law School asked GOP voters in Wisconsin who they'd like to see run. 27% said Rep. Ryan. 21% said Sen. Rubio. 16% said Gov. Walker, 11% said Christie, 7% said Sen. Paul, Gov. Bush got 5% and Gov. Jindal squeaked in as the choice of 1%. Wisconsinite Democrats were more solid, with 62% choosing Sec. Clinton. Biden was named by 13%.
Sentences like this tickle me: "Democrats are privately befuddled by the White House’s flat-footed handling of this P.R. and legal mess, blaming a combination of bad timing, hubris and communications ineptitude." "Privately," huh, which is why we're reading about it in the papers?
Someone noted on Twitter yesterday that being criticized by John Stewart will probably bother the President more than all kvetching by the White House journalists.
Yesterday, Minnesota became the 12th state (plus DC) to legalize gay marriage. It's the third state to do so this month.
Europe continues to circle the drain; France just joined the rest of the eurozone (except Germany) in recession.
Update: Forgot to mention that JohnE. and I will be on Bruce Carroll's Match Game tonight at the 405 Radio, along with Steven Crowder, Michael Graham, Kellie Maher, and Kristina Ribali. 7pm.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:51 AM
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