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April 12, 2013
Wisconsin Grade School Lesson: Liberalism Expands Personal Freedom, and Conservatism Works to Restict It
Delivered in the form of a funformation crossword puzzle, but obviously there was a lesson attached to it.
Varebrook said she doesn’t believe her daughter’s teacher is the problem, but rather the curriculum she’s forced to teach.
“I don’t think her teacher is a radical indoctrinator, it’s the curriculum,” she said. “It’s not factual. Every piece of homework I’ve seen paints conservatism in a negative light.
“I can only imagine what high school is going to bring.”
On the back side of the crossword puzzle was a political survey students were required to fill out to identify their beliefs, something Varebrook believes is equally troubling.
The company says it will stop producing this "Liberalism vs. Conservatism" lesson, claiming, as usual, dogs ate their homework.
“Although we are careful to screen the quality of our products, we are not always able to identify the problems seen in Liberalism vs. Conservatism,” Cerebellum President James Rena said in a statement sent to EAGnews.
“As a company we believe in balance. This product is clearly skewed and we find that unacceptable and counter to our culture. We sincerely apologize for this mistake and will rectify it by immediately discontinuing the product,” he said.
Ah, "balance."