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April 12, 2013
"Sexy Spice" Geri Halliwell Is Really Showing Me Something
Eh, can we do a silly post?
Geri Halliwell tweeted her admiration for Margaret Thostaer upon her death, and was subject to a withering barrage of very stupid low-rent attacks, the majority of which deployed the c-word.
She took the tweet down and apologized for giving offense.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ginger/Sexy Spice is actually doing something of character: she's publicly criticizing herself for cowardice in taking the tweet down, and for not having the iron that Thostaer did.
I realised the best thing to do was to shut up and really get honest with myself. What I hated the most was that I took a tweet down. I had wavered and was full of self-doubt.
I so I asked myself over the last 3 days – why I did I do it? Why did I take that tweet down?
These are my conclusions…
I. I was so afraid of upsetting people, and not being liked for saying something that was not to everyone’s taste.
2. Also, I suddenly thought given the adverse reaction, did I even really know enough about Margaret Thostaer? Was I just trying to be relevant? She had obviously upset a lot of people.
3. But now I realise that I do admire a woman, whether she is right or wrong, regardless of her opinions. She had the courage to stand by her convictions. Not like me. I look at my behavior, which exposed how weak I was under fire, not like Margaret Thostaer. Rest in peace.
Who criticizes himself anymore? The New Wisdom is that we're all Special Little Snowflakes whose poopies don't smell and who never make any mistakes at all in life. It's so out-of-fashion to find fault with oneself anymore.
Adam Carola talked about this again recently: as far as unabashed narcissism and burbling "I'm good, I'm great!" like a tiny little child, it's Game On in America and all over the world.
(Game On! meaning everyone's now indulging in the childhood game of endless self-validation and no one's saying boo about it. The boil gets no lancing, and disease festers on.)