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Wednesday Morning News Dump »
April 03, 2013
Top Headline Comments 4-3-13
Happy Wednesday.
You may have heard about a story that ran in some media outlets -- Washington Examiner, Daily Caller -- that claimed that the RNC tried to hire Lady Gaga to perform at the convention. It did not. Via email: "To be clear, the RNC neither asked, offered, thought of or ever considered the idea of Lady Gaga performing at our convention. And clearly, we didn't offer a million dollars. The story is actually referencing an event by American Action Network, an independent group that is no way affiliated or connected to the Republican National Committee or Republican Convention."
Republican Sen. Mark Kirk endorsed gay marriage yesterday.* He's not up for reelection until 2016, if he chooses to run. The Illinois legislature is currently considering a gay marriage law.
Even WaPo is getting sick of Obama's (and Biden's and Feinstein's and Pelosi's) use of the false "40% of gun sales lack background checks" claim. Three Pinocchios: "A White House spokesman declined to comment on why the president keeps using the 'up to 40 percent' statistic." I think we know.
Having learned absolutely nothing from the past decade, the Obama Admin has decided-- you know, what? Just click through and read the headline. This guy.
Oh, and the story of the idiots trying to rig the New York City mayoral election was pointed out to me by a commenter yesterday. I wondered how anyone could be so stupid as to think they'd get away with such an obvious crime. I'm not the only one: "This latest political scandal has to be the dumbest, most delusional scheme ever concocted."
* Corrected [ace]: Gabe made a typo and left "gay" out of "gay marriage." I've corrected, with his permission.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:52 AM
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