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December 27, 2012
"Richard Windsor," aka Lisa Jackson, Reigns From EPA, Using Her Own Name for a Change
The most transparent administration in history, in the other, bad meaning of "transparent."
After years of whispers that EPA officials frequently used private email addresses, fake names and coded messages to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, Jackson admitted recently to using "Richard Windsor" as her chosen nom de plume on a government email account.
That was her choice because it reminded her of a much-beloved family pet, she claimed. (At least she didn't ask how anybody could suspect a puppy lover like her of any wrongdoing.) The EPA inspector general opened an investigation into the matter because it is against federal law to use nonofficial or secret email addresses to conduct official business.
She didn't offer a reason for her resignation, despite not having a job lined up.
Maybe she just wants to spend more time with her aristocratically-named beloved family pets. I hear she has a turtle named Syngeon-Smythe.