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December 26, 2012
Journal-News Hoist On Its Own Petard
It's amazing how much information is out there on the Internet for someone who wants to dig it up.
On the one hand, if you're a criminal in New York, a local paper has done a great job of casing houses for you and directing you to those where the owner doesn't have a gun permit. Granted, they may still have a gun in the house, but your odds went up when you eliminated these high probability households.
On the other hand, not everyone appreciates details that may technically be "public" but are nonetheless pretty difficult to get at, like ... say ... the government's records of gun permit holders, being shouted from the rooftops. And in the 21st century, where it seems nothing is truly private, a few mouse clicks coupled with righteous anger can be quite productive.
Reader “Jeff” sends along a link to the latest article in the White Plains tabloid, Journal-News, reporting on the hornets nest occasioned by their publication of an interactive map showing the identity and address of all registered gun owners in Westchester County and surrounding areas.
Editor Cyndee Royle defends her decision and in fact sounds quite smug about it. Let’s keep those cards and letters (and telephone calls, of course) coming.
Miss Royle’s married name is Lambert. She lives in White Plains and here is her Facebook page complete with pictures of her and her kids. Hello Sanctimony.
There's more at the link. Lots and lots more, and I don't want to steal their thunder by posting it here. Go over and pay those guys a visit and check out the database they've compiled of the paper's staff. Maybe some of you Morons could even drop them a line and let them know how much you appreciate their work.