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December 19, 2012
Trying To Discuss Gun Control With A Pro Gun Control Liberal Is Like Trying To Nail Down Water
Washington Post blogger Greg Sargent has been on a rip about gun control following the Newton massacre. I pointed him to this article as an example that anti-gun enthusiasts might not be having the desired effect.
His response was this.
After a bit of back and forth about ad hominem attacks he asked a serious question.
To which I replied.
After some back and forth about how I don't think banning high capacity magazines will do much (have you heard of, "reloading"?) and an acknowledgement by me that several states and localities already have restrictions on magazine size (pdf), and my concceding that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect every conceivable "weapon" (a strawman of the first degree) we get to the crux of the matter...how does Sargent, an advocate of an assault weapons ban define the term "assault weapon".
So there we have it. He doesn't have a definition of "assault weapon" or Obama's new term "military style guns". But if you don't agree with him, then you're, "fighting for maniacs to have easy access to mass child slaughter machines,".
It's impossible to have an actual conversation who demands you agree with him but he'll let you know later what you're agreeing to, in the meantime, you're pro-child slaughter.
My guess is what Sargent wants or will want once Obama tells him the right position to take is a ban on either "scary looking guns" or banning all semi-automatic rifles leaving only single shot, bolt action rifles.
It's an idiotic position but in fairness to the people promoting it, they haven't a clue what they are talking about.
Added: I should say I appreciate that Sargent at least engages with critics. The Washington Post's (allegedly) conservative blogger simply refuses to do the same.

posted by DrewM. at
02:06 PM
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