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December 14, 2012
Connecticut School Shooting: CBS Reporting 27 Dead, 14 of Which are Children
Update: Second Shooter?
CBS is confirming: 27 dead, including 14 children killed.
@tsrblke confirms he saw this on their on-air report. NBC and Fox haven't confirmed the numbers yet.
Also, the report is "at least" that many. I saw another claim that the "14 children" is for victims, which may mean some are wounded, rather than dead. But that seems overly optimistic. This may be one of the worst massacres in our history.
Second Shooter In Custody: At least that's what one reporter says.
John Miller of CBS News: Second person in custody believed to be a second shooter.
It's so much more unnerving that there's two. One lone psychopath, we understand that. If anything, we're grateful that there are relatively few psychopaths.
But when it's two, it's worrisome and strange. Now it's not just one demented individual stewing in his own bad brain chemicals; now it's a society of lunatics. Lunatics who found each other, and talked about all of this, and planned it together, and agreed mutually that it was a good idea.