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December 13, 2012
College Bowl Pickem 2012
I started renewing last year's group but probably screwed that up, so here's a new one. Over at Yahoo, pick sports, fantasy, College Bowl Pickem.
Group id is 30165
AceofSpadesHQ 2012 Bowl Games
password is paulanka
To keep it interesting (relatively) I decided we'll do confidence points again, so you pick a winner and assign a point value from 1 to 35 (yes, there are 35 friggin bowl games) to each pick which represents the total number of points you get for a correct pick for that game. So for example if you're not sure about Notre Dame vs. Alabama you'd probably assign a low point value like 1, and if you just know in your heart that Fresno State is gonna kick SMU in the balls you'd assign them a high point value. Say for instance, 35.
Something like that. Sign up, enjoy. Talk shit. You know, the usual stuff.

posted by Dave In Texas at
03:40 PM
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