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December 13, 2012
Steyn on the BBC's Chief Pedophile, Jimmy Savile
Savile was cheerfully unburdened. Rather than a celebrity who happens to be a pedophile, he seems to have been a pedophile who became a celebrity in order to facilitate being a pedophile. Robbers rob banks because that's where the money is. In the Sixties, Savile became a star disc jockey in Britain's nascent pop biz because that's where the 14-year-old nymphettes are. In the Seventies, he became a kiddie-TV host because that's where the nine-year-old moppets are. He became a celebrity volunteer with his own living quarters at children's hospitals and homes because that's where the nine-year-olds too infirm to wiggle free or too mentally ill to protest are. He persuaded various institutions to give him keys to the mortuary because that's where the nine-year-olds unable even to cry out are. (Stoke Mandeville Hospital is now investigating whether he "interacted inappropriately" with corpses.)
Steyn doesn't really write about what I'm really interested in-- which is the vicious weakness and malevolent cowardice of the BBC staff and British governmental establishment which enabled serial pedophilia and serial pedophilic rape for four decades.
I'm not terribly interested in Savile, the Pedophile Rapist. I assume that such types are operating in our society at all times.
It's not the single pedophile rapist that fascinates and sickens me -- it's hundreds of people in a position to act who nevertheless facilitate the ongoing rapes and molestations, because -- why? Why exactly? It's good for their career? They've got an eye on a rather minor promotion and they don't want to jeopardize it by bringing up this whole "rape" business?
We saw this at Penn State. But Penn State's football program was small, and everyone knew each other. It was intimate.
Here we have a pedophile -- and actually, a pedophile who frequently made jokes (not so much jokes as cocky admissions) about having sex with underage girls -- who was reported to the police several times. And who literally hundreds of people worked around, and were therefore in a position to notice little things like him going up to his office, or out to his Sex Caravan, with underage girls.
Here we have a man suspected of pedophilia being given the keys to a children's hospital -- and I don't mean that metaphorically. I mean he asked for, and was given, his own set of keys to the place, to all the wings, to the places where the mentally handicapped girls were. And his own office in the place, too. And Bedrooms Too: His own bedrooms in multiple children's hospitals. Because... he had to nap? Thanks to Tasker.
Because he was a Celebrity. And did some fundraising. I have never heard of a fundraiser who needed the keys to the secure wings of a children's hospital, though.
No one seemed to ask why he couldn't raise children's spirits - or whatever he claimed -- during normal daylight working hours when there were witnesses around. No one asked why he needed keys to access wings once they were shut down for the day and the children were sleeping and there were only a few nurses to keep an eye out over the whole place.
Apparently children especially need some spirit-raising at night, when they're sleeping.
What sort of vicious weaklings does the BBC hire? What sort of malevolent cowards are attracted to that organization?