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December 09, 2012
Hamas Leader Vows To Destroy Israel, Others Worry Not Letting The Palestinians Kill Israelis Is Hurting The Peace Process
We live in seriously screwed up times.
Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Saturday reiterated his movement’s refusal to “give up one inch of the land of Palestine.”
Mashaal, who arrived in the Gaza Strip for the first time ever on Friday, said: “Palestine from the river to the sea, from the north to the south, is our land and we will never give up one inch or any part of it.”
“Palestine was, still is and will always be Arab and Islamic,” Mashaal said. “Palestine belongs to us and to no one else. We can never recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Palestine belongs to us, and not to the Zionists.”
Mashaal’s fiery statements stood in sharp contrast to a recent interview he gave to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, where he said that Hamas accepted a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 lines.
Ah yes. The old "one thing in English, another in Arabic" gambit.
Why the hell the Isrelis didn't blow this bastard to hell, er Allah, I don't quite know.
Surely the leadership of Hamas' rivals and recently admitted observer state to the UN, Fatah would never countenance such talk.
A delegation from Hamas's rival Palestinian group, Fatah – to which Mr Barghouti belongs - was also introduced, raising prospects of a reconciliation of the two factions, which have been estranged since Hamas took over Gaza by force in 2007.
Ah well then.
Of course some enterprising idiots know the real problem...those damn Jews are unwilling to be slaughtered in order to bring about peace.
In the calm of the cease-fire, Iron Dome has emerged in Israel’s reckoning as a symbol of all that is right with the Jewish state. But it has also become an emblem of the unmet challenges that sit at the center of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
For a nation that longs for normalcy and acceptance, one question being debated here is whether Iron Dome will motivate Israel’s leaders to pursue peace with the Palestinians and the wider Arab world or insulate them from having to do so.
How exactly does one negotiate with monsters like Mashaal? I suppose he'd be willing to negotiate the means by which Jews are killed and Israel is destroyed but beyond that, it seems unlikely an agreement of any sort is on the menu.
Since Israel is run by human beings and not walking scum like the Palestinians, a genocidal war against the Palestinians isn't an option. And so the long slog goes on.

posted by DrewM. at
03:31 PM
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