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December 05, 2012
Bob Costas: I Wasn't Talking About Gun Control. People Just Inferred That. Do I Support Gun Control? Why, Um, Yes I Do.
Damn you for inferring what I implied!
That's on you, bro.
What I was talking about here, and I'm sorry if that wasn't clear to everybody, was a gun culture. I never mentioned the Second Amendment. I never used the words gun control. People inferred that. Now do I believe we need more comprehensive and more sensible gun control legislation? Yes, I do. That doesn't mean repeal the Second Amendment. That doesn't mean a prohibition on somebody having a gun to protect their home and their family. It means sensible and more comprehensive gun control legislation.
Even if you had that you would still have the problem of what Jason Whitlock wrote about and what I agree with. And that is a gun culture in this country. It demonstrates itself in different ways. It demonstrates itself in the Wild West, Dirty Harry mentality of people who actually believe that if a number of people were armed in the theater in Aurora, they would have been able to take down this nut job in body armor and military style artillery. When in fact almost every policeman in the country would tell that you that would have only increased the tragedy and added to the carnage.
It also plays itself out, and Jason Whitlock had some insight into this. It plays itself out in the inner cities where teenage kids are somehow armed to the hilt. And it plays itself out, and this I know the whys and wherefores of, in the sports world, where young athletes are disproportionately armed.
The "teenage kids" have those guns illegally. Many will have records, and so cannot obtain a gun license. The rest will just never seek a gun license, because it's all but impossible to secure one in most cities. Same for any citizen.
So, the people he's talking about should not, by law, have guns, and yet they do. His preferred strategy? Let's have some more laws that criminals can ignore.
No, seriously, only the law-abiding abide the law. It's sort of implicit in the words themselves. Look them up in a dictionary, Bob. I'm not making this up.
No one ever explains why it's critically important to strip rights away from law-abiding persons.
I feel like using the gay marriage argument against them -- they are fond of saying "My marriage doesn't affect yours." How about, "My gun -- lawfully purchased, and lawfully used -- doesn't effect someone else's illegal gun, and their illegal gun doesn't affect mine."