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December 02, 2012
New Open Thread and Bleg [OregonMuse]
[Above the post update - Andy]: I did a thread about OregonMuse's issue earlier this week.
I just emailed Pixy to check on the first batch of IPs I sent him (about a half dozen). If you're having an issue commenting and haven't sent me your information yet, please follow the instructions in my post. Thanks.
On today's book thread I wrote:
I have lost the ability to post comments on this blog. It doesn't tell me I've been banned, it's just that when I enter a comment and click on the 'Post' button, the screen refreshes and the comment simply disappears and does not appear in the comment list. This occurs whether I use IE, FF, or Chrome, and it doesn't matter if I'm in Linux or Windows. I've also reset my modem and gotten a new IP address, but I still can't comment. Anyone else run into this before?
I wonder how many other morons this has happened to besides me. If you're reading this and are unable to comment for some mysterious reason, not because you've been accidentally banned, please send an email to me (OregonMuse and then the at-sign and then yahoo, then dot, and finally com); I just want to get a count. I can't promise anything, but if I get a lot of responses, maybe I can rattle some cages and get it looked at.
Meanwhile, here is what happens when butt implants go awry. Scroll down to the bottom (heh) for a disgusting video.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:12 PM
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