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October 18, 2012
Focus On The House: Rodney Davis (IL-13)
Introduction (from his website):
While growing up, Rodney worked in his parents’ restaurant, so he’s seen first-hand the daily challenges faced by small business owners. In his role as Projects Director for Congressman John Shimkus, Rodney became intimately familiar with the role that the federal government plays in our communities, where it can help, and where it can hurt. He was instrumental in helping Illinois citizens and communities cut through government red tape and works daily to provide support and relief to a wide array of important local projects.
Despite his busy schedule, Rodney has always put family first. In 1995, he married Shannon, his high school sweetheart. At age 26, soon after the birth of their daughter, Toryn, Shannon was diagnosed with cancer. Drawing on their faith and family for support, Rodney and Shannon faced the devastating diagnosis head-on and prevailed. Throughout her treatment, Rodney never missed one of Shannon’s sessions. Almost two years after Shannon’s initial diagnosis, they celebrated the birth of their twin sons Griffin and Clark. Today, Shannon is a 13-year survivor. She is a registered nurse and an instructor at St. John’s College of Nursing in Springfield, where she helps educate Illinois’ next generation of caregivers.
The District:
The new IL-13 is mostly made up of the previous IL-15. Right now it’s a Republican held seat but the incumbent is retiring. It leans GOP but went for home state Barack Obama in 2008.
David Gill is a physician running for office for the first time.
It doesn’t seem as if he’s any more or less objectionable than your average Democrat but any new vote for Pelosi or Obama is bad enough.
The Race:
As with most House races there’s not a lot of polling. We Ask America had Davis up 2 points about a week ago and that’s essentially a dead heat.
Real Clear Politics has the race as a toss up.
The best news seems to be the pull out of ad money by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The GOP is still spending on the race.
If you’re in the area and can volunteer or want to donate, visit the campaign’s website.
Previous “Focus On The House” Posts:
Vernon Parker(AZ-9)
Lee Anderson (GA-12)
David Rouzer (NC-07)

posted by DrewM. at
10:38 AM
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