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October 16, 2012
Focus On The House: Lee Anderson (GA-12)
Introduction (from his website)
My name is Lee Anderson. I am a conservative farmer and family man who is running for Congress for two simple reasons – to balance the budget and send John Barrow and Barack Obama back home. It's time to get back to the basics and get America back on track. Barack Obama is a socialist who is destroying our great country and John Barrow, despite all his political spin, is one of Obama's biggest enablers. If we return to the common sense, conservative principles that made our country great, we can restore the American Dream once again. If you believe in common sense, conservative, hometown values, I ask for your support.
Anderson is running to unseat Congressman John Barrow who is seeking a 5th term. Barrow is the typical “Blue Dog” Democrat who talks a good game back home but votes with the Democrats in Washington on a number of key issues.
The Club for Growth has the story on Barrow:
Representative John Barrow is not the most liberal Blue Dog, but he's definitely one of the most shifty members. He voted against ObamaCare, but refused to repeal the disastrous individual mandate when given a chance. He voted against TARP, but refused to later repeal it when also given a chance. He's bad on earmarks, fails to uphold PAYGO, and supported the Stimulus and the Auto and Fannie/Freddie bailouts. Hiding behind a Blue Dog guise, Barrow is a true liberal on economic issues.
The District:
It went pretty strongly for Obama but the Cook PVI has it as D+1.
Republicans are pushing Anderson as part of their “Young Guns” program so they must think the newly drawn lines give them a shot.
The Race:
Both campaigns have recently released polls showing them with narrow leads. But given that Barrow won in the 2010 tsunami year by double digits, the fact that he’s boasting an internal poll showing a 4 point lead indicates the race is tight and very, very winnable.
If you’re in the area and can volunteer or want to donate, visit the campaign’s website.

posted by DrewM. at
06:16 PM
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