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October 17, 2012
Focus On The House: David Rouzer (NC-07)
Introduction (from his website):
David Rouzer currently owns and operates a business consulting firm providing strategic advice to businesses on a wide range of issues. He also owns and operates a distributorship marketing environmentally friendly products.
Prior to starting his own consulting and distributorship businesses, David had been involved in public policy development and implementation, public relations, and legislative strategy for more than a decade through his work in the Legislative and Executive branches of the Federal government as well as through his work for NC State University.
8 term incumbent Democrat Mike McIntyre is another “Blue Dog” Democrat. While he might have a reasonable claim to the title on votes in the House, his work in committees and his seeming chumminess with unions raises questions.
In the end, if he’s reelected, he’ll vote to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker.
The District:
It’s a district that was trending Republican before redistricting and has gotten more conservative following the redrawing of the lines.
"We're the underdog in this battle because they drew a seat to predetermine the outcome of the election," McIntyre, who has been in Congress since 1997, said this week.
McIntyre was referring to new district lines drafted by the state's Republican-dominated legislature last year that cut out heavily Democratic precincts in central Wilmington and McIntyre's hometown of Lumberton.
Rouzer, 40, voted for those new lines as a two-term state senator and is a resident of Republican-leaning Johnston County, which was added to the district.
Even before the changes, the district was trending Republican, voting to re-elect President George W. Bush in 2004 and for GOP nominee John McCain in 2008. McIntyre narrowly survived the Tea Party wave of 2010, which swamped many of the remaining rural Democrats in Congress.
The Race:
I can’t find any polling on this race but RCP calls it a “toss up” district. Still given Romney’s growing lead in NC, the districts rightward lean and the fact that the GOP is still spending money there it’s clearly a prime potential pickup seat.
If you’re in the area and can volunteer or want to donate, visit the campaign’s website.
Previous “Focus On The House” Posts:
Vernon Parker(AZ-9)
Lee Anderson (GA-12)

posted by DrewM. at
10:12 AM
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