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October 16, 2012
New York Observer Endorses Romney
I have to confess, I haven't read this paper -- or heard much of it -- in forever.
It had always been my belief it was liberal-leaning. I think that idiot Tish Durkle, whoever the eff, the ditz that was always on Hardball, wrote for it.
Anyway, I don't really know its politics, I guess.
Sorta thought they were liberal, though.
They're endorsing Romney now, so I guess they can't be that liberal.
They did endorse Obama in 2008. Change.
The Observer endorses Mr. Romney’s candidacy and urges readers to support him.
Four years ago, Barack Obama captured the imagination of many Americans with his thrilling message of change. Given the challenges confronting the president—two raging wars and an unprecedented global economic collapse—the desire for a quick fix was unrealistic.
America supported that candidate (as did this newspaper), but his presidency, so filled with promise and potential, has failed to deliver the change America needs.
True, Mr. Obama deserves credit for strong, decisive action that helped prevent a catastrophic economic meltdown on Wall Street. The financial services sector, the city’s most important industry, came very close to the unthinkable as once-unshakable entities—Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch—simply vanished. Mr. Obama’s policies helped to shore up the industry and, thus, the city.
At the same time, however, the president has evinced a distaste for that very same industry, and his rhetoric has begun to erode its foundation. Class warfare might be a successful strategy for cobbling together 270 electoral votes. But it’s not the way to unite a divided nation.
The president comes to town on a Monday, takes our money, shakes our hands and tells us how much he values the CEOs and innovators of New York. And then on Tuesday, he turns around and refers to business leaders as fat cat bankers whose success was created by the sweat of others. That’s not a friend. That’s not a leader. That’s a politician.
Mitt Romney stands out because—unlike so many candidates in the past—he understands how to build businesses, create efficiencies, make tough deals and carefully consider divergent viewpoints. America needs a strong leader, a practical leader. Mr. Romney knows full well that it would be a tragic mistake to simply assume that the United States will continue to be the world’s economic powerhouse simply because that’s what we’ve been for decades. America earned its global prominence because of the nation’s culture of work and individual freedom. That’s why immigrants came here and continue to come here—not because they seek a handout, but because they want a chance to work and to create and to innovate. In today’s competitive economy, the country needs competitors, not class-war crybabies.
Not too shabby, I guess. Eh, nothin' wrong with an unexpected endorsement.
Their Previous Endorsement: They had Hopenchange Feveh four years ago, and compared Obama to FDR -- favorably.
Via @alwaysonoffense.