New York Observer Endorses Romney »
October 16, 2012
I'm Hearing, Anecdotally, About A Lot of Romney Signage In Areas That Went For Obama in 2008
Third story I've heard like this. And I'm hearing it from NE states (NY, NJ).
The stories go like this: There were lots of Obama signs last time, and rather few for McCain/Palin, and now Romney/Ryan signs are dominating.
I've heard this from middle-to-high income suburbs. Again, in the Northeast. Where, last time, Obama made his rent.
Anecdotal, I know. But the third time I hear it, well. That's what we call a "filler post" in the blog business.
Oh, by the way: the #warontampons continues.
It's a very funny response from a corporation. I mean, not like "ha," I mean like actually professionally funny.