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October 15, 2012
Wag That Dog: Obama Administration Reveals Top Secret Plans To Surprise-Bomb Something, Somewhere, To World Media
Obama really wants you to know he's prepared -- nay, eager -- to make another Gutsy Call (TM).
The White House has put special operations strike forces on standby and moved drones into the skies above Africa, ready to strike militant targets from Libya to Mali — if investigators can find the Al Qaeda-linked group responsible for the death of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.
Details on the administration's position and on its search for a possible target were provided by three current and one former administration official, as well as an analyst who was approached by the White House for help. All four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the high-level debates publicly.
Um, I think they are so authorized, and are claiming otherwise.
Let me point out something obvious and deadly: Obama's inner circle leaks politically-helpful, but very top secret, information with gusto.
But when it comes to the politically unhelpful details of the Libya debacle-- notice how they all know how to avoid the press.
But a flag-waving Election Bombing? That they're willing to telegraph.
Vice President Joe Biden pledged in his debate last week with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan to find those responsible for the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.
"We will find and bring to justice the men who did this," Biden said in response to a question about whether intelligence failures led to lax security around Stevens and the consulate. Referring back to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year, Biden said American counterterror policy should be, "if you do harm to America, we will track you to the gates of hell if need be."
And that's a bunch of malarkey, in this sense: No one has any doubt that any president would kill terrorists if he could find them and get to them.
That is not even a political issue. It's not a Gutsy Call (TM) to follow the stated policy of the United States, a policy, incidentally, which is quite popular. Even with Democrats (so long as a Democrat can grab credit, at least).
Biden and Obama are trying to shift the conversation to the future, rather than, as it should be, the past. They still won't come clean on how they permitted Al Qaeda to slaughter four men. Nor will they discuss why they claimed something which they later admitted was "self-evidently" false.
So, Obama would kill these terrorists. So would Romney. So, it seems, would the Libyan government, actually, which makes this talk of airstrikes seem rather curious.
But flags need to wave and tails need to wag the dog.
So Obama's security team once again starts planting deliberate, approved leaks to the press.
Hey, Did You Hear Obama Killed OBL? Just in case you'd forgotten.
By the Way: Most of the weapons being shipped into Syria are going into the hands of jihadists.
Perfect, huh?