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Thursday Morning News Dump [Ben] »
October 11, 2012
Top Headline Comments 10-11-12
Happy Thursday.
A masked assassin killed a Yemeni security official during a drive-by at the U.S. embassy in Yemen. The official had been working for the U.S. Embassy for nearly 20 years. Yemeni officials said the killing bore the hallmarks of an Al Qaeda attack, though it was too soon to tell for sure.
The mother of the State Department computer-dude slain in Benghazi blasts President Obama for his "baloney" explanations of the attack. This, of course, comes on the heels of the mother of the slain Navy SEAL asking Romney not to politicize her son's death.
Dear Mom, if I should happen to die in such a way as to make the national news, do not talk to reporters. I mean, that's true all the time -- never talk to reporters -- but all the other kids in heaven are definitely going to make fun of me if my mom is defending me all the time. Oh, and if I happen to go to the other place, I'll send hellhounds after any reporter that bugs my mother. Yeah, hellhounds.
There are new polls out this morning, with some good news for Romney, but I'm not gonna get in Ace and CAC's little donnybrook over that. You'll just have to wait for one of them to get up.
In other news, the diversity officer at a D.C. college for the deaf was suspended yesterday for signing the Maryland marriage referendum petition earlier this year that sent the issue of marriage equality to voters. Lawsuits are likely to ensue.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:58 AM
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