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September 28, 2012
Only ABCNews' Jake Tapper Reports That Adminstration Secretly Knew Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack From Day One;
CBS, NBC Embargo
Newsbusters' piece.
I would link Tapper's report on the ABCNews website but their website seems to be hiding it.
I can't find it. Can you?
Here's how Newsbusters digested his report:
Tapper pointed out during his report that "the White House first suggested that the Benghazi attack was spontaneous, the result of that anti-Muslim video inciting mobs throughout the region." He emphasized the administration's talking point by playing a clip from September 14, 2012 press briefing, where White House Press Secretary Jay Carney underlined that "these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region." When the ABC correspondent himself raised Benghazi, Carney continued by claiming that "we have no information to suggest that it was a pre-planned attack."
The correspondent later added that "sources tell ABC News that intelligence officials on the ground immediately suspected the attack was not tied to the movie at all....Some administration sources tell ABC News they were concerned after the White House began pushing the line that they attack was spontaneous and not the work of terrorists."
Make sure you click on Tapper's print report (and read it, too). I'm pretty sure I got that link directly from Tapper on Twitter -- as I said, the ABCNews website sure isn't trying to advertise it.
And how did NBC handle it? Well, they trotted out elderly fool Tom Brokaw to claim that the media's failure to report on a major security scandal with a bodycount of four was Mitt Romney's fault.
"Romney turned out to give the President air cover. There are serious questions about what happened in Libya and the absence of security and what is our Middle East policy, but Romney's missteps really have given the President more camouflage than he would have expected."
Gee, we'd love to ask about how four Americans were butchered by Al Qaeda but Mitt Romney is distracting us by asking about how four Americans were butchered by Al Qaeda.
Kristen Powers is pretty outraged by the media -- and says they're "complicit" in the next terrorist attack, due to their absolute refusal to question how this last one happened.
This Isn't Bias Anymore. This Is Simply the Communications Arm of OFA. See the end bits, about "ethics" as a justification for denying the public highly relevant information.
Bret Baier's Report... was, commenters say, "devastating." I'll put it up when I can find it.