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September 25, 2012
Top Headline Comments 9-25-12
Happy Tuesday.
Returning for one day only, it's DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. (Really, it seems like we're doomed.)
Ahmadinejad, speaking in New York, said that Israel would be eliminated. The official U.S. reply is that Ahmadinejad's statement is "disguthting, offenthive and outrageouth." Oh, yeah, that's gonna leave a mark. Ahmadinejad speaks to the UN tomorrow.
Guy Benson looks into the latest Politico poll -- you know, the one where they're trying to create the idea that Obama is pulling ahead -- and finds some unusual results: they've got Obama up 3% and yet Romney is ahead of him in six of seven issues. Also, it should be pointed out that Obama has been up by about 3% in RCP's average for months; that's not pulling ahead, that's status quo.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:53 AM
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