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September 20, 2012
The Slow Death Of The American Republic: Seven Of Nation's Ten Wealthiest Counties Are In DC Area
The only real industry in and around DC is government and the legions of power brokers who make their living greasing its wheels. People are getting rich and are therefore they are invested in accumulating more and more governmental power to extract money from the rest of the country. The more power and money centered in government, the more "valuable" a person's whose only skills are helping people avoid having money taken from them or getting money from others for their clients becomes.
Making things that actually add economic or societal value? DC doesn't do that. This is the real battle ground in the war between the Makers vs. Takers.
The Washington region has emerged from the recession looking even more affluent compared with the rest of the country, boasting seven of the 10 counties with the highest household incomes in the nation, new census numbers show.
With a median household income surpassing $119,000, Loudoun County heads the list. Fairfax County, at nearly $106,000, is second. Both have held the same positions for several years running.
The stability of an economy built on the pillars of the federal government, its legions of contractors and a flourishing high-tech sector is evident in the income rankings.
You think.
A country that values the non-productive machinery of redistribution over wealth creators, is not long for this world.
I'd love to see Romney go after this class of people, not people who don't make enough to pay income taxes. Steal Rick Perry's line about working "to make DC as inconsequential in your life as possible".
A little fusion of small government and conservative populism could be a winning message.
Microsoft would be a great example of a company that was once only concerned with making products and money but heavy handed government forced them to waste time and money to become a player in DC. It's a bi-partisan problem and it needs to be attacked.

posted by DrewM. at
12:26 PM
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