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September 20, 2012
Report: No Protest At Benghazi Consulate Prior To Attack
Like the ever shifting details about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the administration can't get its story straight about the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
First it was just a protest that gotten out of hand. Even though one of those killed observed one of the local "guards" scouting the grounds.
Then it was a "terrorist attack" but it wasn't planned, just you know, some terrorists who saw an opportunity, grabbed their heavy weaponry and just got lucky the Ambassador was there.
Now it turns out that witnesses say there was never any protests and it was a straight up attack.
Witnesses of last week's deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya have told CBS News that the alleged anti-American protest that U.S. officials say morphed into the assault never actually took place.
The new details add to the widening rift between U.S. and Libyan accounts of the attack as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to brief members of Congress behind closed doors Thursday. On Wednesday, a top U.S. counterterrorism official told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the assault was "opportunistic," but a "terrorist attack."
Meanwhile the Libyans say they gave the US three days advance warning that trouble was brewing.
So, who are you going to believe? Some ramshackle government or the Libyans?
Yeah, me too.
Added: You can see the video version of the report here.
CBS' conclusion?
"What's clear," the CBS reporter concludes, "is that the public won't get a detailed account of what happened until after the election."
And they're ok with that? Your Lap Dog Media in action.

posted by DrewM. at
10:32 AM
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