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Ye Olde Overnight Open Thread (9-19-2012)– Arggh Edition »
September 19, 2012
Sweet Fancy Moses: Administration Still Trying to Refine Libyan Attack Messaging
From "terrorist attack, maybe partly planned" to "well yeah, it was a terrorist attack but there wasn't any significant planning."
And of course this is after the facts debunked the "spontaneous reaction to a mean movie", which Obama was puttin out last night on Letterman.
Keep chokin that chicken.
Ambassador Chris Stevens and three aides "were killed in the course of a terrorist attack," [head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center Matt] Olsen told the committee.
But "what we don't have, at this point, is specific intelligence that there was significant advanced planning or coordination for this attack," he said. "The best information we have now, the facts that we have now, indicate that this was an opportunistic attack."
Still, he said, investigators are looking for any sign that the attack was planned.
More dissembling, "specific intelligence, significant advanced planning" (how about any advanced planning? Anything that would indicate it was, uhm, not a spontaneous response to a stupid film?)
Here are some signs Matt. Hundreds of attackers, pre-positioned mortars and RPG teams. Zoned in on the "safe house". Warnings that came days in advance. Oh, and also, 9/11, hello.
It almost seems as if, as events overrun each narrative hauled up the flagpole, you get this begrudging acknowledgement in phases, just to lessen the negative impact of the whole damned thing.
Hey, I never planned to kill that guy.
What? Hey now, it was, ok, no it wasn't murderin, dude slipped. Completely accidental.
A completely accidental slipping occurred in front of the .45 I was pointing at him. And he slipped into the bullet. Coulda happened to anyone. Almost anyone. Why was I aiming a .45 at him? I was pointing at the sunset with the nearest thing handy,
All right all right ALL RIGHT, I killed him, ok?
Completely spontaneous reaction to a sunset.
A commenter adds:
4 There was no advanced planning for what happened in your mouth. It was merely an opportunistic event.
Posted by: wooga at September 19, 2012 08:05 PM (vjyZP)
Yep. I slipped too.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:01 PM
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