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September 13, 2012
Total Security At Consulate Hit By IED in June, In Al Qaeda Stronghold, On Anniversary of 9/11:
1. Doors with Locks
2. Four -- Four! -- Libyan Guards, At Least One Of Whom Betrayed Staffers
Shhhh. Don't ask questions. Just Believe In Obama (TM).
U.S. officials told reporters on Wednesday that the Benghazi consulate had “a robust American security presence, including a strong component of regional security officers.” Yet Baja described a very different picture from his visit on Tuesday morning, even remarking at how relaxed the scene was when he returned to the consulate building a short while after leaving Stevens, in order to collect the mobile phone he had accidentally left behind. “The consulate was very calm, with video [surveillance] cameras outside,” Baja said. “But inside there were only four security guards, all Libyans—four!—and with only Kalshnikovs on their backs. I said, ‘Chris, this is the most powerful country in the world. Other countries all have more guards than the U.S.,’” he said, naming as two examples Jordan and Morocco.