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June 07, 2012
NYT/CBS Poll: 68% Want All Or Part of ObamaCare Struck Down By Supreme Court
What was the spin from two months ago...?
Ah yes. The Supreme Court must not strike down ObamaCare, or it will lose authority in the public's eyes.
Authority. Authority. /alcapone
27% want just the individual mandate struck; 41% want the entire bill struck; only 24% want the Court to uphold the entire law as written.
It gets better from there. First of all, this is a poll of adults, which should skew +7 more Democratic than a poll of likely voters.
(In this sort of poll I think "adults" are the right sample, because no one gets to vote on this, really, but politicians should bear in mind that actual voters do want this law gone.)
There was greater Republican opposition to the law than Democratic support. About two-thirds of Republicans in the recent survey said the entire law should be overturned, while 43 percent of Democrats said all of the law should be upheld.
More than 70 percent of independent voters said they wanted to see some or all of the law struck down, with a majority saying they hoped to see the whole law overturned.
Yup. Can't have the Supreme Court knocking this law off the books. Why, the public would be in open revolt.
Open revolt, I sayz.
Oh, I Got It! Maybe the public still doesn't "understand" the law.