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June 07, 2012
Obama Team, 2011: We're Going To Blitz Them With A Billion Dollar Campaign
Obama Team 2012: Money Is Corrupting Our Politics
Eh, that's not what this article is about but Romney has beaten Obama in fundraising for May.
$76.8 million to $60 million. The RNC has $107 million cash on hand. The article doesn't note the DNC figure.
This also comes after Romney almost tying Obama in April ($40 million to $43 and change million).
It also doesn't include Super-PAC money.
I've been delaying posting this, searching for a quote I saw, but now can't find. Can't find it. The basics of it were thus: An Obamoid said "we always expected this would happen." Or anticipated. You get the drift.
No, you didn't. You really didn't. Not when you were talking up your billion-dollar campaign.
I understand why the campaign would put a brave face on this, and I won't even call it a lie. It's not a lie when you bluff in poker. It's the rules of the game. You're supposed to.
But I will blame someone for this: The Media.
Rock stars know they're flawed human beings. Rock stars know, for example, that their last album kinda sucked but was only partly saved at the last moment by bringing in a hired-gun songwriter and top-notch producer to salvage something from their recording sessions.
You know who doesn't know that? Groupies. Groupies are just full of Mad Love and don't think about things like that. They just worship their Guitar Heroes.
Now what would happen if Rock Stars got all their information from infatuated groupies? Well, if that happened -- if a Rock Star's pre-existing narcissistic impulses were turned to 11 by living in a world reported on exclusively by smitten groupies who really want the band to finally exxxplode! -- that Rock Star might just start forgetting that, that last album? Kind of bad. Might start thinking that last album was great. Might not understand that if he wants to continue the Rock N Roll dream, the next album will have to be better. Much better.
Although we on the right get angry about media cocooning and constant media boosterism and unrelenting media optimism about Democrats' positions (both policy and polling), we shouldn't forget the real victims of this cockeyed view of the world:
The Democrats themselves.
They just never see these things coming.
And they can thank their media groupies for that. Their media groupies are, unwittingly, loving them to death. Loving them to ruin.
Loving them to catastrophe.
ObamaCare has been unpopular since before it was passed.
Has the media ever called it "unpopular"? How about "polarizing"? How about "controversial"? How about "divisive"?
How about "generally rejected by a majority of the public"?
And that last album rrreally rrrokked too, didn't it?
You almost can't blame these guys.
But you can, because Rock Stars really ought to know the world is not made up only of their most devoted groupies. Smart Rock Stars know that. Smart Rock Stars know to never believe your own press clippings.
Dumb Rock Stars -- Rock Stars headed for a career skid -- don't.
Speaking of: Compare Groupie Organization The Washington Post's headlines on Obama's 2008 win (about 7 points) to Walker's 2012 win (also 7 points).
Rock on!
Smitten Groupie Attends Rock Star's Concert, But Insists: "I'm Not with the Band!" Leslie Moonves, president of CBS and its news division, stood on line to get his wristband for Obama's sixty-seven bazillionth fundraiser.
He acknowledges...
Before the event began, a long line of partygoers waited on the sidewalk outside the hotel to check in. CBS chief Les Moonves and his wife, Julie Chen, waited patiently for their wristbands. Obama, Moonves said, “has shown great leadership” on the issue of gay marriage.
Though he heads a news division, Moonves said, “ultimately journalism has changed … partisanship is very much a part of journalism now.”
He hastened to add that despite his presence, “I run a news division. I’ve given no money to any candidate.”
Why is this whispered, when it should be prominently disclosed?